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Ghotit revolutionizes writing experience for people with dyslexia

Ghotit released innovative context-based spell checker enabling people with bad spelling to write correctly Dyslexia is the most prevalent of all known learning disabilities.  According to the National...

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A Dyslexic Blogger

If someone would review my writing history, he would see that my average sentence length is about three to five words. It is not that I do not have intelligent thoughts to communicate, but simply that...

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My Dyslexia and Phonological Processing

First of all I will begin with a short explanation what is Phonological Processing and how it is related to dyslexics. Phonological processing is the ability to see or hear a word, break it down to...

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Dyslexia and Regular Spell Checkers

Every time I use a regular spell checker it hits me that the people who designed these spell checkers did not have in mind people like me, people who suffer from dyslexia and have really bad spelling....

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Dyslexia: Different Ability, Not Disability

This is a short follow up to my previous blog “What if over 50% of the Population had Dyslexia?” People with dyslexia simply have different abilities, not disabilities. What may seem as a simple word...

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Dyslexia, Writing Assistive Technology and Text-to-Speech

People with dyslexia usually have a hard time in both reading and writing. Letters and words get jumbled up in their minds during both reading and writing processes. Reading abilities may be affected...

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Dyslexia and Campus-aware Writing Technology

The student body, especially in colleges and universities has become mobile. Laptop penetration and wireless connectivity is very prevalent in many schools. This translates from a technological...

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Autocomplete, or Word completion

Original purpose: The original purpose of word prediction software was to help people with physical disabilities increase their typing speed as well as to help them decrease the number of keystrokes...

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